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Hand-Roo'd (tugged/pulled) not shorn! Yarn from NASSA registered Shetland sheep!

Good Omens' name was inspired by the show “Good Omens” because of the dove shape on her forehead and her devil horns. She was born 4/23/2019. She is a lovely dark gray and oh so soft. She likes to act wild, playing and headbutting our other Shetland sheep. She likes to stand on (put her front hooves on) the back of her sister and try to nibble on the fir tree's branches.

Horned Shetlands are not standard. However, we love her and her sisters anyway.

Skeins are 100yd, 2-ply Sport wt.

Good Omens' Roo'd Shetland Yarn -- 100yd skeins, 2-ply Sport wt.

Out of Stock