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Hand-Roo'd (tugged/pulled) not shorn! Yarn from NASSA registered Shetland sheep!

Lady Sybil is a black gulmoget Shetland born the 4th of April in 2015. We purchased her with her mom in 2015. Lady Sybil is one of the first sheep brought to are farm.

Lady Sybil – from Lady Emily -- is very shy. She comes up to us very slowly – usually when Kaylee is already getting scritched behind her ears. Lady Sybil likes her cheeks gently rubbed. She is usually very elegant, however her and Kaylee do run, jump, and cavort like silly little goats at times.


Lady Sybil’s fleece roos easily and has a lovely silky feel. Her gulmoget markings make her black wool glisten with white strands.

Lady Sybil Roo'd Shetland Roving
